About UNI


I am going to try and keep this introductory post similar to a miniskirt, long enough to cover the essentials, but short enough to keep your attention. 

For those of who you don't know me, I am Matthew D'Arcy and I study International Business with Marketing and Human Resources at Strathclyde University. For those of who you do know me, I am very sorry. 

For my third year Marketing class, I have been tasked with creating a blog and that explains why you are reading this right now. I figured what we all need right now (myself included) is a little motivation to keep you going throughout this academic year ahead. On this blog, you can expect to find a light-hearted dose of encouragement, some (hopefully not too cringeworthy) songs, quotes, study tips and any other bright ideas I have to keep you on track! 

Thank you so much for reading, any and all engagement is very much appreciated. 

Matthew :)


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