


Hope all is going well. Are you struggling for motivation this semester? I for one, sure am.

University/college is a very independent learning experience (particularly these days) and this can feel overwhelming and make any student feel demotivated. At this point in the semester, this is how I’m submitting coursework.

Here’s my antidotes;


  1. Remind yourself how far you’ve come – How many times have you felt overwhelmed or that you weren’t clever enough? Yet, look how far you’ve come. Personally, I had a crisis of confidence every year in secondary school when it came to exams and this only accelerated when I went to university. There have been countless times where higher education has made me feel ‘less than’ or not up to the standard of the incredibly intellectual students on my course but as Elton John would say ‘I’m Still Standing’. You’re stronger than you give yourself credit for.
  2.  Remind yourself why you are doing what you are doing – Similar to the last one but this time, think back to when you were applying to your course and how excited and passionate you were to begin. Read over your personal statement you used to apply to university and reignite that love you have for your subject. Make younger you proud.
  3.  Envision the end goal – This report or presentation that’s getting you down, think about it as a steppingstone to your destination. You’d look absolutely fabulous in a graduation gown. I believe in you.
  4. Speak to friends/course mates – Everyone is feeling – or has felt - the way you are feeling. Trust me. Talking to people will remove the guilt from your demotivation and encourage you to keep going as everyone is in the same boat. Get paddling.
  5. Reward yourself – Using incentives is a motivation method I find invaluable. If I am studying with nothing to look forward to, I often get dragged down and find that my study sessions aren’t as fruitful. So, make plans, promise yourself a present or any means you see fit to get you to achieve what you need to achieve. Me and my friends tend to celebrate submitting coursework/completing an exam and it really does get you through! Although, it could really be as simple as rewarding yourself with a break to watch a programme. Make your studying worth it. Keep your spirits high.
  6. Motivation jar – A personal favourite of mine. If you are having a motivated day (hopefully that’s today, after reading this), write phrases on bits of paper that you think would help to get you out of a rut. Hearing the motivation come from yourself really hits different and is so encouraging. This method means whenever you are lacking inspiration, just go and pick out a piece of paper and take your own advice. You got this.


Affirmation (definitely not bumped from google) – There is no elevator to success, you have to take the stairs.

If you’re needing a little more motivation, this video should do the trick.

Thank you so much for reading and all the support,

Matthew x


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